Jam On Toast Music
'Papa's Making Pizza' from Jam On Toast: Slice #3!
Papa's Making Pizza from Jamie's album Jam On Toast: Slice #3! A cumulative song for children about what's on top of the pizza. Sing along with the chorus in simple echo and then add your own actions for each topping. Just no pineapple!
In this song the pizza has tomatoes, olives, salami, mushrooms and, of course, lots of cheese! Help Papa make the pizza and try saying the Italian phrases! Get creative and add your own verses to the song asking the children what else they would like on their pizza.
This song, plus loads more from the Jam On Toast music series, is available to listen to via Spotify, iTunes or Apple Music. The music score, lyrics and recipe activities are available in the Jam On Toast: Slice #3! SONG BOOK and RECIPE BOOK. Download via the online shop at www.JamOnToast.com.au.
The Jam On Toast music project and this video was created and produced by James Madsen. Please contact via www.JamOnToast.com.au for further enquiries. Music and lyrics by James Madsen.
Follow on Facebook and Instagram: @JamOnToastMusic.